The PhD in Family and Human Development offers a training specialization for students interested in the study of social and emotional development (SED) across the life span. Students choosing the SED specialization will learn about contemporary theories, methodologies, and bodies of empirical research pertaining to a range of issues in broadly defined adaptive and maladaptive processes in social and emotional development. Students may also become involved in research in other disciplines that informs the understanding of aspects of social-emotional development. Examples of such disciplines include family dynamics, intervention research, social networks, neuroscience, psychophysiology, and developmental psychopathology.

Courses and Electives

  • CDE 598 Social and Emotional Development
  • CDE 612 Peer Relationships

  • CDE 534 Risk and Resilience
  • CDE 612 Gender Development
  • CDE 634 Prevention and Child Development
  • EDP 691 Child and Adolescent Psychopathology
  • CDE 698 Social-Emotional Development in Atypical Children
  • PSY 578 Development and Psychopathology
  • CDE/SOC 598 Social Networks
  • CDE 598 Play and Development
  • CDE/FAS 590 Readings and Conference (3 hours only)
  • CDE 598 Bullying/Aggression
  • FAS 598 Parenting
  • Others as approved

For additional information, please contact:

Gary Ladd, SED Coordinator
(480) 727‐6621