Education in Child Life
ASU does not offer a Child Life academic program. The School of Social and Family Dynamics and the Watts College of Public Service and Community Solutions (Recreation Therapy Program) do offer several undergraduate courses that provide students with the knowledge needed to pass the Child Life National Exam and to make them competitive for post-Bachelor Child Life Internships in health care settings.
The academic requirements to become a Certified Child Life Specialist are highlighted below with our courses that may meet the requirements for eligibility to take the CCLS exam. We recommend students clarify academic requirements with the Association of Child Life Professionals before enrolling in courses.
It is important to work with the Association of Child Life Professionals directly because the national requirements do change periodically and students are responsible for meeting the academic requirements as specified by the national office.
Prerequisite courses may be needed to complete these requirements, and not all courses are offered every semester. Please refer to the ASU Catalog and Class Search to locate this information.
Child Life Course Taught by a CCLS
CDE 244: Children Facing Health Challenges
Provides a comprehensive introduction to family-centered care, psychosocial assessment of the hospitalized and chronically ill child, and techniques to support their coping. Utilizes the principles/theories of child development and introduces the role of a child-life specialist in the promotion of effective coping through play, preparation and education among children, youth and families facing challenges related to health care and hospitalization.
3 Child Development Courses
Please note that the Association of Child Life Specialists does not accept CDE 232 (Human Development Through the Lifespan) as a child development course because it covers the whole lifespan. CDE 232 can be used for the "Three additional courses" requirement.
CDE 430: Infant and Toddler Development
Discover the world of babies and toddlers. Learn about important changes in biological/physical, cognitive, emotional and social domains of development from conception to age three. Consider the influences of parents, family and environment.
CDE 414: The school-aged child
Examines children's physical, social-emotional and neurological development across the elementary school years, as well as the socialization influences of primary people and contexts engaged with children during this developmental period.
CDE 312: Adolescence
In-depth examination of the developmental and social processes that help explain modern adolescence.
Family Systems Course
CDE 450: Childhood Disorders and Family Functioning
Examines the presentation, development and treatment of a wide range of neurodevelopmental, psychological, emotional and behavioral disorders of childhood. Applies family theories to understand the implications of these disorders for children and families.
Play Course
RTH455: Recreational Therapy and Play with Children, Youth and Families
In-depth study of the philosophical concepts, principles and techniques of play and recreation applied in practice to promote holistic health and well-being among children, youth and families.
Loss/Bereavement or Death/Dying Course
SOC 353 or ASB 353: Death and Dying
Scientific and humanistic approaches to the study of death and dying from the perspective of anthropology and allied disciplines. Uses a global, comparative approach across space and time from the earliest human burials to contemporary funeral events.
1 Research Course
FAS 290: Introduction to Social Science Research
Students learn the fundamentals of how social research is conducted and use critical thinking skills to access, analyze, interpret and summarize research. Students gain an appreciation for the value of social research in our everyday lives. Explores both qualitative and quantitative methods.
FAS 361: Applied Research Methods
Learn how to apply methodological approaches to social research questions. Learn to evaluate, interpret, synthesize, produce and present research.
Three Additional Courses
CDE 232: Human Development Through the Lifespan
Lifespan development from conception through adulthood, with emphasis on family influences. Recognition of individuality within the universal pattern of development.
We recommend you take an anatomy course (BIO 160: Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology)
Terminology and essential concepts in human anatomy and physiology, as well as the structure and function of the human body. Designed for students in the health-related professions. Acquaints the student with human anatomy, structure and function, and basic disease concepts. Organizes and presents course concepts by organ systems, and the laboratory component of the course emphasizes human structure and function. The course has 3 contact hours for lecture and 2 contact hours for lab per week.
We recommend you take a course to learn how to apply the therapeutic process (RTH 364: Foundations of Recreation Therapy)
Overview of the fundamentals of therapeutic recreation. Introduces the delivery of treatment services for individuals with a variety of illnesses and disabling conditions experienced throughout the lifespan.
We recommend that you take a course that will help you to be a competitive applicant to a practicum and internship placement (RTH 413 Leadership and Professional Development in Recreational Therapy).
Examines therapeutic recreation leadership theory and strategies, current professional issues, and refinement of professional philosophy and competencies that enable transition from student to professional.
We recommend you develop skills to facilitate play experiences (RTH 400 Intervention techniques in recreational therapy)
In-depth analysis of theoretical and philosophical approaches to therapeutic recreation practice with emphasis on various facilitation techniques used in therapy.
We recommend you learn how to conduct assessments (RTH 460 Assessment and documentation in recreational therapy)
In-depth study of the therapeutic recreation assessment process, including examination of interview techniques, assessment instruments, treatment planning, outcomes, evaluation, research, and documentation.
If you are interested in a career in Child Life, we highly recommend that you major in Family and Human Development and earn the certificate in Recreation Therapy
For more information about Child Life, please see: http://www.childlife.org