The PhD in Family and Human Development offers a training specialization for students interested in theoretical, methodological, and research perspectives on children, youth, and families from underrepresented groups. This specialization aligns with a larger Diversity and Inclusion Science Initiative (DISI) in the Sanford School. Students who choose the Diversity and Inclusion Science specialization will take two required courses. One focuses on theory and methods as they apply to the study of underrepresented groups (CDE 598: Introduction to Theory and Methods in the Study of Diversity and Inclusion Science) and a second course involves the in-depth exploration of issues related to study, biases, and interactions with underrepresented groups (CDE 598: Interpersonal Interactions and Perspectives in the Study of Diversity and Inclusion Science). Students who have interest in underrepresented populations in the field of human development and family studies, broadly defined by socioeconomic status, gender, race, culture, ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability/health status, or other populations that are underrepresented, are encouraged to specialize in Diversity and Inclusion Science.

Courses and Electives

Instructor approval required

  • CDE 598: Introduction to Theory and Methods in Diversity and Inclusion Science. This course will provide an overview of theoretical frameworks and methodological issues as they apply to the study of underrepresented populations in our field.
  • CDE 598: Interpersonal Interactions and Perspectives in Diversity and Inclusion Science. This course will explore interpersonal experiences, biases, and strategies for working with different populations that are underrepresented in the field.

*The below list is not exhaustive.

Sanford School Elective Courses

  • CDE 610: Gender Development
  • CDE 598: Latino Families and Children
  • CDE 598: Culture and Biology
  • FAS 591: Racial Discrimination and Racial Identity
  • CDE 598: Poverty
  • CDE 534: Risk and Resilience
  • CDE/FAS 590: Readings and Conference (1 to 3 credits)**
  • CDE/FAS 592/792: Research (1 to 3 credits)**

Elective Courses from other units

  • AFR 598: Women’s International and Human Rights
  • AFR 598: Peoples and Cultures of Africa
  • APA: Graduate Level Courses in Asian American Psychology
  • AIS 503: Contemporary Issues of American Indian Nations
  • JUS 560: Women, Law, and Social Control
  • JUS 691: Sexuality and Social Justice
  • JUS 598: The Social Construction of Disability
  • PSY 591: Stereotyping, Prejudice, and Discrimination
  • WST 502: Gender Research Methods
  • WST 602: Mapping Intersections Gender
  • WST 603: Engendering Methodology

*Additional electives will be considered by the Diversity and Inclusion Science faculty as they apply to this area of specialization. Students should submit the course syllabus and a memo explaining the fit of the course within the students’ diversity science specialization for courses not listed above.

**Students are encouraged to take up to three elective credits to propose innovative teaching, service, and research activities that contribute to inclusion and diversity science. Such projects will require supervision by a faculty member and can range from contributing to a course or seminar (e.g., lecture, activities), conducting a case study, supervising an undergraduate or conducting an applied project to enhance one’s experience with an underrepresented group, or developing a manuscript or research project. Innovative ideas proposed by doctoral students are welcome.

Completion of this specialization requires that at least 9 hours of the requirements be taken within the Sanford School. All courses counting toward specialization must be completed with a minimum grade of B-.

For additional information, please contact:

Kimberly Updegraff, DISI Specialization Coordinator
(480) 965-6669