Staying Connected
Users can either a) setup remote access to their office machine, or b) map the shared drive to their home machine. Have each user submit a ticket to Deskside for assistance if possible.
a) Setting up remote access to your office computer. Here’s the knowledge base article on connecting to your office computer:
1. Connect to cisco vpn
2. Make sure office machine set to never Sleep, Firewall set to allow access to Remote Desktop
3. Connect using the Microsoft Remote Desktop app on PC (built-in) or Mac (download from App Store)
4. Use the FQDN for computer name to setup Host info in rdc client. Eg. Tclatds-[servicetag] and use either asurite or asuad to login. Eg. Asurite\[asuriteID] or asuad\[asuriteID]
b) Mapping to the Sanford Server. As for drive mapping, ASU computers should have the drive mapped. Whatever folders you have access to now while on campus, you will have the same access remotely. Users will only need Cisco VPN connected. If users need to get in folders that they currently don’t have access to, then submit a ticket with who needs access to what, and Kenny Chow or Jack Kidwell can grant access appropriately.
Personal machines will require additional steps as shown below.
First make sure you are connected to the ASU VPN. You can get the Cisco AnyConnect software from
The address for the vpn server is
Sign in with your ASURITE and Password, in the third field enter push, phone or sms or a Duo Passcode
Windows 10
- Open File Explorer from the taskbar or the Start menu
- Select This PC from the left pane. Then on the My Computer tab, select Map Network Drive.
- In the Drive list, select an available drive letter.
- In the Folder Box, type the path to the server
\\\clas1735\1735 - Check the box for Reconnect at sign-in and the box for Connect using different credentials
- Click Finish, then it will ask you to sign in. Username is “asurite\YourAsurite” and the Password is your ASURITE password. Check the box for Remember my credentials.
Mac iOS
- From the Mac OS Finder, press Command-K to bring up the “Connect to Server” window
- Enter the path to the server and click “Connect”
- Enter your ASURITE\YourAsurite in the first field
- Enter your password in the other field
- Check the box next to Remember this password in my keychain
- Click Connect
Health and Wellness
Down Dog (see ), has made all of their apps completely free until July 1st for all students and teachers (K-12 and college) so that they can have access to wellness at home through the end of the semester.
Other resources: Helpful tips on self-care from APA
ASU Professional Development remote working tips
Learn how to adjust and connect with your colleagues working remotely. These resources provide information about how to lead a remote team, balance family and work and etiquette when attending a virtual meeting.
Office Logistics
Yes. Please refer to
Let Marilyn know if this will be a regular need so this can be sent to the Dean’s office for approval. For occasional needs, you can come in briefly and practice social distancing. The buildings will be locked, so be sure to bring your building gate/door key.
Mail will be delivered/picked up on Tuesday and Thursday only.
- For outgoing mail, please bring to SS 221 on Tuesday or Thursday
- Cowden and Payne personnel can pick up mail in SS 221 on Tuesday or Thursday – otherwise delivery will take place when staff is back on campus.
- Jean will email anyone who receives a package and/or something that appears time sensitive
- Please let Jean know if you are expecting a package or letter
All time reporting continues uninterrupted
- All hourly and leave reporting should be entered and approved in TAS
- Once approved in TAS, hours should be reported in PeopleSoft
- All vacation and sick should still be reported. If you are not working you should be reporting time.
For employees enrolled in direct deposit, paychecks will continue to be distributed to the registered account. For employees that receive physical paychecks, they will be mailed to your address on file. Verify your address is accurate using the instructions noted under the “Update your contact information” section above. Log into the payroll and compensation webpage if you would like to enroll in direct deposit.
Purchasing and Reimbursements
All purchasing and reimbursement policies and procedures are still in place.
- Please submit all receipts for purchases on PCard so they are fully approved within 30 days of purchase
- All requests for reimbursement must be submitted and fully approved within 60 days of purchase
- If you put through a trip requests but made no arrangements (airfare, hotel, conference registration), please contact JoAnne Groot for next steps.
- If you put through a trip request and arrangements were made, please create an expense request and follow these guidelines:
- In the comment field for any expense you must
- Airfare
- If purchased through the Concur system (Anthony Travel), you should have already reached out to cancel the flight(s). A full refund should have been provided. Upload the charge and credit to the expense report. Receipts are required. Please do not upload confirmation pages, only invoices and refunds.
- If you purchased with your own credit card and a full refund was issued, follow the instructions for purchase through Concur.
- If you purchased with your own credit card and were not refunded
- Were you provided with a voucher for future travel? If yes, you can utilize this for a future ASU business related trip. ASU cannot refund use of a personal card for a trip that did not take place. If utilizing for a future ASU business trip, ASU will allow for the cost of the change fee (if applicable) and the new cost of the airfare (at the time of the new trip).
- If you will not be traveling for ASU business in the future to use this voucher, you may not claim the cost of the ticket at any time.
- Was your ticket non-refundable?
- If the airline has refused to issue a voucher for future travel and no refund, please provide documentation and the director will review each case as it is presented to determine if a refund is appropriate.
- Hotel
- All hotel accommodations should have been cancelled and refunded.
- If your accommodations were not refunded, please provide documentation and justification for non-refund. These will be reviewed on a case by case basis to see if the justification meets policy.
- Conference Registration
- All conference payment and refund documentation must be uploaded to the trip request.
- Travel Card Expenses
- All travel card expenses must have a receipt for both purchase and refund and be included in the expense report
- All other Expenses
- Be sure to include any other expenses related to this trip cancellation
Requests for reimbursement on any trips not approved prior to the travel date must be authorized via email through Marilyn Thompson.
Virtual Classroom
We are requiring the use of ZOOM for all spring thesis and dissertation defenses. Students may now schedule their defense through the iPOS defense scheduler tool, and indicate that the defense will be held virtually. The defense will be advertised on the Graduate College website and open to a virtual audience.
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Brian Mattson.
Thanks to the work of ASU, ASU Bookstores, Follett, and RedShelf, students can access textbooks at no cost for the Spring semester from the most common publishers. Instructions available here:
No. Your instructor will communicate all classroom procedures and how to take exams remotely.
In an effort to continue supporting instructors with the transition to remote teaching, office hours for support are now held virtually. The Instructional Designers from The College and UTO staff are ready to assist you with zoom and remote teaching-related inquiries. See the times available for virtual office hours.
The College, Online Curriculum and Digital Innovation team has also compiled remote teaching resources and information that you can quickly access on a single webpage. View the webpage.
As you formulate your plan for assessing students in our new remote-teaching environment we encourage you to consider strategies that recognize virtual proctoring constraints. For example, you might decide that a "take-home" exam or a "final project" might meet your assessment needs. Also please consider open notes approaches for exams which can alleviate some proctoring limitations.
The following options are available for immediate use:
Respondus Lockdown Browser + Monitor
● Already built into Canvas and uses Canvas quiz feature
● Prevents students from opening anything else on their computer for the duration of the exam. Exceptions can be made for specific web sites and a scientific calculator. Videos of the student's test taking experience are reviewed by artificial intelligence for violations. Videos are also available for instructors to review. The setup is relatively simple.
● Canvas quizzes can be multiple choice or open-ended essay type questions
● Many ideas are possible with this approach including capturing students work on problems
● Requires utilization of Canvas quiz environment. Not the best option for hand written exams.
Using a live Zoom session for proctoring
● Similar to face-to-face proctoring
● Students would be sent the exam by the instructor right before the test and asked to print it out and then enter a Zoom session where they would be "watched" by the instructor, TA, or graders during the exam
● Immediately after the exam students use a phone scanner app to upload the exam
What things should I consider when using Zoom for proctoring?
- Students will need a printer.
- Students should not leave the field of view or mute their audio during the exam.
- Enlist enough TA/UGTA assistance to monitor students' activity.
- Set Zoom to only allow chat with the host for questions.
- Mute all participants and disable their ability to un-mute.
- Provide instructions in advance for uploading a copy of the exam. A phone scanner app like CamScanner or Microsoft Office Lens can help facilitate this process.
Other proctoring questions:
Why can't I use RPNow for my f2f or hybrid class?
ASU has a license with RPNow that covers usage for online courses only. PSI (RPNow parent company) is not able to handle the scale of ASU's on-campus environment.
What if a student doesn't have a webcam?
If the student is local, the University Library has laptops available for check-out.
BYENG 214 (CIDSE lab) has all in one computers with webcams.
How do I ensure that the student is the one taking the exam (ID Verification)?
With Zoom, it is recommended to require students to appear on screen with a webcam. If you have a large class, ask students to show their ID.
Respondus can be used without video recording. Make sure to enable the "Monitor" feature if you want to have a video recording when using Respondus. This is recommended for ID verification.
Best practices for Zoom classroom management document. This was created as a response to some of the incidents in Zoom lectures. It is available on Teaching remotely at ASU webpage.
Due to the teaching remote efforts this semester, Yellowdig is now available free of charge to faculty until June 30th.
Yellowdig is an online collaboration platform to promote active engagement and discussion in the remote classroom.
For more information regarding Yellowdig, please see resources listed below:
If you have any questions regarding Yellowdig, please contact The College online team at
You may also reach out to Khaerannisa Cortes or Jennifer Haskin. They have both used the platform and are happy to help you with any questions.