BRIDGS Emergent Scholar Fellowship

The BRIDGS Center: Bringing Research & Innovation into the Debate on Guns in Society is pleased to announce the BRIDGS Emergent Scholar Fellowship.

Housed in the Sanford School of Social and Family Dynamics, the BRIDGS Center focuses on social science approaches to the multifaceted significance of guns in society. The BRIDGS Emergent Scholar Fellowship recognizes graduate students engaged in topics including, but not limited to:

  • the culture and politics of armed self-defense
  • gun violence and gun trauma
  • guns, identity, and inequality
  • gun markets and the gun industry
  • social movements surrounding gun rights and/or gun control
  • comparative/transnational approaches to guns in society
  • the intersection of guns, conservation, and environmental justice
  • related topics grounded in qualitative or quantitative social science approaches


Graduate students studying in the US at US institutions from disciplines within and related to the social sciences are encouraged to apply. While there are no restrictions with respect to stage of graduate studies, fellows should be prepared to share a work-in-progress in Spring 2024.


  • Workshop: In Spring 2024, BRIDGS Fellows will meet monthly to present and discuss their work-in-progress and network with senior scholars. BRIDGS Director Jennifer Carlson will lead virtual meetings and invite senior scholars within the field of gun studies.
  • Symposium: In Fall 2024, BRIDGS Fellows will be invited to Arizona State University’s Inaugural Guns in Society Annual Symposium.
  • Support: BRIDGS Fellows will receive a $1,000 Fellows honorarium for Spring 2024 and a $500 travel honorarium for the Fall 2024 Symposium.


Send the following to Jennifer Carlson ( by the November 1, 2023 deadline.

  • Updated CV,
  • a cover letter describing your interests in the fellowship and the area of gun studies,
  • a one-page extended abstract of the working paper you anticipate presenting,
  • the contact information for two references (no letters, please)

We anticipate decisions by December in order to convene the fellowship in January 2024.